In order to protect the safety and physical and mental health of our employees, we implement safety educational activities closely related to the workplace.

Occupational Safety and Hygiene Initiatives

We have formulated the Daio Group Safety and Health Activities Policy and engage in safety and health activities on this basis.

Safety and Health System

Our Compliance Committee was established to prevent the risk of major legal violations, ethics violations and other forms of non-compliance that could impact the entire Daio Group. The committee deliberates and decides on policies and specific measures for strengthening the Group’s compliance and risk management systems. It also promotes employee education to raise compliance-related awareness and issues reminders to encourage responsible, ethical action. In addition, a subcommittee has been established to identify and catalog all risks faced by the Group without exception. It deliberates on and promotes specific risk management measures and confirms that they function as an ongoing system, which creates a highly effective risk management system overall.

Daio Group’s Safety Achievements


*1 The lost time injury frequency rate is calculated based on the number of injuries and fatalities from a workplace accident causing at least one day of lost work and loss of a part of the body or its function. The figure is the number of injuries and fatalities caused by a workplace accident divided by total actual working hours during the same period multiplied by one million.

*2 Source: Statistics for the pulp, paper, and processed products manufacturing industry (enterprises with at least 100 employees) in the Survey on Industrial Accidents published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Safety-First Conferences and Safety Improvement via Risk Assessments

Each group company holds a safety convention as a rally to achieve the goal of zero lost time injuries. We are also working to improve our workplaces to ensure the safety of our employees by using risk assessment methods to identify and improve unsafe equipment and unsafe work practices that can lead to accidents.

Point-and-call exercise carried out by all employees to aim for zero accidents that result in time off work.

Commendation for 35 consecutive years without accident

Hands-On Training to Simulate Dangerous Practices

We conduct hands-on training on dangerous work practices that let employees experience the fear of work accidents so that they will take on the tasks of identifying dangerous areas that could cause accidents, and formulate measures to prevent accidents with machineries and equipments on their own initiative. This training is not only provided for young employees but also supervisors. Using specialized training apparatuses as well as hands-on experience exercises at external organizations, we simulate accidents that are prevalent in the papermaking industry, such as getting caught in paper machines, and also less common accidents such as fall from heights and dust explosions.

Using specializaed training apparatus that simulates being caught in the machine to experience the fear of accidents [Mishima Mill, Daio Paper]

Using an external training institution to experience the shock of fall from heights [Kani Daio Paper]

Introduced VR safety experiential education

Lifesaving Workshops

In order for employees to learn firsthand the dangers of disasters, identify hazardous areas that can cause accidents, and voluntarily implement countermeasures for machinery and equipment, we provide experiential training in hazardous work not only for younger employees, but also for supervisors and junior managers. In addition to the pinching and entrapment hazards that are common in the paper manufacturing industry, trainees also experience the impact of falling and dust explosions through hands-on training at an outside institution and by using equipment such as a pinching and entrapment simulator. We also invite members of the fire department as outside instructors to conduct training sessions to ensure that employees themselves are able to provide appropriate first aid. Employees learn how to operate an AED (automatic external defibrillator) using a doll and how to save a life in pairs, and are trained to protect themselves and their fellow employees in the event of an emergency.


First aid training using dolls and AEDs

Traffic Safety Seminars

To motivate employees of Daio Paper’s Mishima Mill, Shikoku Head Office, affiliated companies and the Safety and Health Council to prevent traffic accidents and violations, Daio Paper invites the chief of the Traffic Section of the Shikoku Chuo Police Station as a lecturer to conduct traffic and experiential training.


Traffic and experiential training with the Chief of the Traffic Division of the Shikoku Chuo Police Station

Disaster-Prevention Activities

In the event of a large-scale disaster, such as a Nankai-Tonankai earthquake, the Daio Paper Group will designate human life as the top priority and set up a disaster headquarters to confirm the safety of its employees and their family members and identify the extent of damage swiftly. We have designed our business continuity plan (BCP) clearly to ensure there is no discontinuation of important operations concerning stakeholders such as business partners, and to restore normal operations as early as possible even if an operational disruption occurs. We also conduct disaster drills twice a year to enable our employees to respond appropriately and readily.

Basic Policy for Business Continuity Activities

The Daio Paper Group places the highest priority on human life. We will work to fulfill our corporate social responsibility to customers and local communities by recovering the livelihoods of employees and resume business operations at an early date, while preventing secondary disasters, providing support to and cooperating with local communities.

Action Guidelines for Business Continuity Activities

1.Assign the highest priority to securing the safety of human life:

We place top priority on securing the safety of employees and their family members, guests, and visitors above all else.

2.Cooperate to secure safety in local communities:

We provide the utmost cooperation to secure safety in local communities and make efforts to minimize environmental impacts that may arise due to our production plants taking damage from the disaster.

3.Continue important operations:

We designate operations that minimize the impacts of disasters on our customers and local communities as important operations, and prioritize the necessary actions to continue the important operations.

Emergency Drills

The Daio Group regularly conducts disaster drills corresponding to the location where each plant is located. In emergency evacuation drills based on the assumption of a large-scale disaster, the safety of human life is the top priority, and drills are conducted to ensure that cooperative activities to prevent secondary disasters in the surrounding areas can be carried out promptly. Furthermore, we have formulated a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to ensure that production can be maintained or quickly restored even in the event of an earthquake or other emergency.

Fire extinguisher use training by new employees

Drill of putting out fire with water from hose

Training to put up fences to prevent heavy oil from spreading out to the sea in the event of an accident

Name of Mill Location Possible Disaster
Mishima Mill, Daio Paper Corporation Ehime Prefecture Nankai Earthquake
Kani Mill, Daio Paper Corporation Gifu Prefecture Tokai Earthquake
Iwaki Daio Paper Corporation Fukushima Prefecture Earthquake by Idosawa Fault
Measures to Prepare for Disasters

The Daio Group designates September 11 and March 11 every year as Disaster Preparedness Days, and conducts joint disaster drills at the Mishima Mill, the Kani Mill, and the Tokyo Headquarters twice a year. In the joint disaster drills, we mainly conduct reporting drills by using wide-area radio systems and teleconferences to gather information on the extent of damage at each production base and the safety of employees and report to the Tokyo Headquarters.

Disaster drills at the Mishima Mill

Emergency power switching training

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