This Privacy Policy shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction for all disputes arising in connection therewith, unless otherwise stipulated.
Daio Group’s Basic Policy for the Protection of Personal Information
The Daio Group (Daio Paper Corporation and its subsidiaries in Japan, referred to as “the Group”) regards the protection of personal information as its social responsibility. The Group shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (“Personal Information Protection Act”), other related laws and regulations, and the guideline concerning the Personal Information Protection Act (“Laws and Regulations Concerning Personal Information”), in order to appropriately handle personal information in accordance with the following basic policies.
Basic Policies
- When collecting personal information, the Group shall specify the purpose of use to the extent possible, and only collect information to the extent necessary.
- When changing the purpose of use, the Group shall not change the purpose of use beyond the scope reasonably considered to be related to the purpose of use before the change.
- In the event that it becomes necessary to use the collected personal information beyond the scope of its stated purpose of use, the Group shall obtain the consent of the person regarding such use, except when permitted by the laws of Japan.
- The Group respects each individual’s right to the protection of personal information concerning him or her, and will appropriately respond to requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, and suspension of use of personal information concerning him or her in accordance with the Act.
- The Group will not provide personal information to any third party except with prior consent or when the disclosure is permitted by law.
- The Group conducts in-house education for its directors, executives and all employees (including temporary employees, contract employees, etc.) to ensure compliance with the Laws and Regulations concerning Personal Information.
- The Group will improve its personal information management system appropriately in accordance with changes in laws and regulations, etc.
※ The term “Daio Group” as used in this Basic Policy refers to Daio Paper Corporation and its subsidiaries (excluding overseas subsidiaries).
Handling of Personal Information
Purpose of Use of Personal Information
Daio Paper Corporation (“Daio Paper”) shall use personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use:
- To investigate, develop and provide better products and services that satisfy our customers
- To perform billing and payment in relation to transactions
- To negotiate, contact, and inquire about various transactions in regard to our sales and material procurement
- To respond to inquiries and send materials and notices regarding new products, events organized by Daio Paper such as Elleair Ladies Open, consumer campaigns, and other information regarding Daio Paper
- To select winners and dispatch prizes for consumer campaigns
- To plan, communicate, and make inquiries regarding public relations activities conducted through newspapers, magazines, television commercials, etc.
- To communicate and respond to customer inquiries and complaints
- To negotiate, contact, and make inquiries in regard to the outsourcing of the transport and converting of products, and other operations
- To conduct activities to maintain safety and health, such as preventing traffic accidents and disasters within production plants
- For the purpose of recruitment selection, recruitment procedures, and other business operations related to recruitment activities
- For the protection and exercise of the rights and interests of shareholders under the Companies Act
- For the management of shareholder information, such as in the preparation of shareholder data based on stipulated standards in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations
- For other matters incidental to or related to our business
Shared Use of Personal Information
Each of the Group companies may share and use personal information within the Group as follows. The information to be shared shall be limited to the extent necessary, and Daio Paper takes measures to ensure that the personal information management system of the Group companies within the scope of shared users is on the same level of security, etc. as Daio Paper.
- Items to be shared Address, name, age, gender, telephone number, fax number, family structure, e-mail address, physical and health information, consumer usage situtation, care receiver profile, etc.
- Scope of shared users The Group (Daio Paper Corporation and its subsidiaries, but excluding overseas subsidiaries)
- Purpose of use For the purposes above-stated in “Purpose of Use of Personal Information”
- Management representative Daio Paper assumes reponsibility for the management of such personal information.
About Cookies
The website of the Group (“the Website”) may send small text files called cookies, to the browser of your computer in order to make it more convenient for you to 1) use the Website when you visit again, 2) to authenticate your membership when you log in, 3) to provide you with optimal information and services based on your browsing history, and 4) to deliver advertisements. You can choose to be notified when you receive cookies, or you can choose whether or not to accept them through your browser settings. If you choose to accept cookies, they will be stored on your computer. The cookies will not contain personally identifiable information about you. You can disable or delete cookies through your browser settings. Please note that if you disable or delete cookies, you will not be able to use some functions including services that require you to log in. If you want to opt-out of receiving cookies for any of our services, see the cookie settings used by the respective websites below.
Google Japan
Yahoo Japan Corporation
Meta Platforms, Inc.
Twitter Japan K.K.
Google Analytics
About Google Analytics
The Website uses Google Analytics to analyze usage situation in order to provide useful information to our customers. Google Analytics uses Cookies to collect user information. Collected information is managed in accordance with Google’s Privacy Policy. Please check Google Analytics’ Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on the Google Analytics home page.
Google Analytics
Google Privacy Policy
About Safety Control Measures concerning Personal Information
In order to prevent and correct against any unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage to your personal information, we have prepared internal regulations and taken the following measures to ensure the safety of your personal information.
- Create basic policies for the appropriate handling of personal information and personal data, and to implement the measures stipulated by the Laws and Regulations Concerning Personal Information.
- Create rules and regulations that specify the respective responses, and the responsible persons and roles for collecting, using, storing, providing, deleting, disposing, etc. of personal information.
- Implement organizational security control measures, including appointing responsible persons; clarifying the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data to be handled; and establishing a system for reporting to and communicating with the responsible persons in the event or there are signs of violation to the Laws and Regulations Concerning Personal Information are detected.
- Implement personnel security management measures, such as in-house training on matters concerning confidentiality and handling of personal data.
- Implement physical security control measures, such as access control for employees, and restrictions and controls regarding the removal of information communications equipment, and electronic media and documents that handle personal data, to prevent theft or loss of such data.
- Implement technical security control measures, such as the adoption of systems to protect information communications equipment handling personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.
About Supervision of Contractors
When we use personal information by outsourcing it to a third party, we will implement appropriate supervision of the third party by examining the appropriateness of the outsourcing in light of the security control measures taken by the third party, and by concluding an outsourcing agreement with the third party (the “contractors”) that stipulates the matters necessary for appropriate supervision, including the maintenance of confidentiality, before providing the information to the contractors.
About Pseudonymized Processed Information
When we use pseudonymized processed information (information about an individual obtained by processing personal information so that the individual cannot be identified unless the information is cross-checked with other information), we will comply with the Laws and Regulations Concerning Personal Information and create the pseudonymized processed information in accordance with the appropriate procedures. In addition, when the pseudonymized processed information is created, or when the pseudonymized processed information and deleted information, etc. (meaning personal identification codes, and information regarding the processing method such as descriptions, etc. that were deleted from the personal information used to create the pseudonymized processed information) pertaining to the said pseudonymized processed information are obtained, we will take appropriate security control measures in accordance with the provisions of the Laws and Regulations Concerning Personal Information.
About Anonymously Processed Information
When we use anonymously processed information (information relating to an individual that can be produced from processing personal information so as neither to be able to identify a specific individual nor to be able to restore the personal information), we will comply with the Laws and Regulations Concerning Personal Information and create anonymously processed information in accordance with the appropriate procedures. In addition, we will take appropriate security control measures and measures to supervise contractors based on the personal information. When providing anonymously processed information to a third party or receiving anonymously processed information from a third party, we will also comply with the Laws and Regulations Concerning Personal Information and follow the appropriate procedures. When we use information about you as pseudonymized processed information, anonymously processed information, or statistical information, we may use it for various purposes, not limited to the purpose of use for which it was obtained, or in other ways permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act. Statistical information may also be made public.
About the Business Operator Handling Personal Information
Company Name: Daio Paper Corporation Address: Iidabashi Grand Bloom, 2 Chome-10-2 Fujimi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Registered head office: 2-60 Mishimakamiya-cho, Shikokuchuo-shi, Ehime, Japan) Name of Representative: President and Representative Director Chief Executive Officer: Yorifusa Wakabayashi
Procedures for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data
- Documents, etc. required to notify the purpose of use and request for disclosure of retained personal data, etc. (1)Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data(PDF:53KB) (2)Identification documents
- Documents, etc. required to requests for correction, etc. of retained personal data (1)Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data(PDF:53KB) (2)About Details of Correction, etc.(PDF:13KB) (3)Identification documents
- How to make a request, etc.
When making a request to notify the purpose of use, disclosure, correction, etc. of retained personal data, please note the following points and send the required documents, etc. to the Customer Service for Personal Information Requests by mail. Requests, etc. will only be accepted by mail.Please note that requests, etc. made by telephone or other methods cannot be accepted because the identity of the person making the request cannot be sufficiently confirmed.In addition, please note that even if you visit our office in person, it is necessary to send a separate request by mail because it is difficult to respond at once.
(1)Request form-
(i) The seal of the person making the request is required. (If the request is made by a representative, the seals of both the representative and the person who is the subject of the disclosure, etc. are required.)
(ii) Please select “Relationship with us” in the request form. Please note the following points for business partners and general consumers.
• If you are our business partner, please fill in the name of the company and the name of the department of our company with which you are doing business.
• If you are a general consumer who provided your information to us by applying for a campaign, etc. planned by us, please enter the name of the campaign to which you applied and the date when you provided your information to us.
(iii)Requests for correction, etc. will be accepted only when the information entered in the「 “Current Status” column of “About Details of Correction, etc. (PDF:13KB)」and the information held by us are consistent. If there is a discrepancy in the information, we may ask you to make a new request for correction after you have made a request for disclosure.
Please refer to” About Identification Documents”.
If there is a deficiency in the procedures for requests, etc., we may contact you at the telephone number you provided to us on the request form to confirm the details of your request. If it becomes necessary to ask you to send the request form, etc. again by mail, we will dispose of the unneeded request form in an appropriate manner.
A written response to a request to notify the purpose of use or disclosure of retained personal data, etc. will be sent by simple registered mail to the address of the person who is the subject of the disclosure, etc. , whether the request is made by the person making the request or by a representative. The written response will be mailed within one week of the request, etc. Please note that the response may be delayed due to business reasons.
Please note that we will not be able to respond to your requests, etc., in any of the following cases. If we are unable to respond, we will notify you to that effect and the reason in writing.
- (1) If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of you or a third party;
- (2)If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business; or
- (3)If it violates other laws and regulations.
Personal information obtained through requests, etc. will be used only to the extent necessary to respond to the requests, etc. The submitted identification documents will be disposed of in an appropriate manner without delay after responding to the requests, etc. is completed.
Procedures for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data
Please submit a copy of any one of the documents listed in the List of Identification Documents. Please confirm the following notes before submitting the documents. The submitted identification documents will be used only for operations related to requests for disclosure, etc., and will be disposed of by cutting, incineration, or other appropriate means after use.
- You must select and submit documents that include your address, name, and date of birth. Please note that if the address, name, and date of birth on the request form are not the same as those on the submitted identification documents, we will not be able to respond to your request for disclosure, etc.
- If you live in the house of someone with a different surname, or if the surname on your mail and the surname on the nameplate of your address are different, a copy of your certificate of residence is required (a photocopy of this document is acceptable).
- If you are a foreign national, please be sure to submit an identification document that includes your nationality.
- If the request is made by a representative, please submit documents proving the representative’s authority to act on behalf of the person who is the subject of the disclosure, etc.
- If any of the following items of personal information are included in the identification documents, please delete them by blacking them out, etc. before submitting the documents, even if it is inconvenient. (1) Information related to family origin (status based on a special family lineage) and permanent domicile (excluding information related to the prefecture where the person resides) (2) Information related to health and medical care
- Please note that the submitted identification documents will not be returned.
List of Identification Documents
Type of Identification Documents | Expiration Date |
Certificate of residence, certificate of items entered in the certificate of residence (No need to provide permanent domicile and household information) | Issued within 6 months prior to the date of presentation |
Driver’s license (both sides) | Must be valid as of the date of presentation |
Health insurance identification card | |
Passport | |
Certificate of alien registration | Issued within 6 months prior to the date of presentation |
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