1.Basic Approach to Information Disclosure

The Daio Paper Group (the “Group”) will make appropriate and prompt information disclosure to all our stakeholders.

2.Information Disclosure Standards

The Group discloses information in compliance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other laws and regulations, as well as the rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and makes timely, appropriate, and fair information disclosure. Information that does not fall under the above laws, regulations, and rules, etc. and is deemed to be useful for promotion of understanding of the Group by our stakeholders shall be disclosed to the extent possible, promptly, and accurately.

3.Information Disclosure Methods

Information that falls under the Timely Disclosure Rules stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange shall be disclosed via the Timely Disclosure Network (“TDnet”) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information disclosed on the TDnet will also be promptly published on our website. In addition, information that is not deemed to fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules will be disclosed to the extent possible, promptly, and accurately using our website.

4.Information Management (Strict Management of Insider Information)

The Rules on Insider Trading Regulations, which set forth the operational guidelines including the management criteria for insider information, have been established. We are also committed to the education of our officers and employees. Material facts under the insider trading regulations and full year or quarterly earnings results information that has significant impact on the value of securities will be managed thoroughly.

5.Quiet Period

The Group shall, in principle, designate the period from the day after the end of the fiscal period until the date of the earnings results announcement as the quiet period to prevent leak of earnings results information and to ensure fairness of disclosure. We will refrain from responding to questions related to the account settlement during the quiet period. Provided, however, if the earnings estimate is likely to be revised significantly during the quiet period, information will be disclosed using an appropriate method in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules, as necessary.

6.Handling of Forward-Looking Information

Forward-looking statements regarding business performance do not guarantee future performance and they involve risks and uncertainties. Please note that actual results may significantly differ from the estimates due to change in business environment and other factors.

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