Credit Rating

Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. (JCR)A-(Stable)Publication date: August 26, 2024
Rating and Investment Information, Inc. (R&I)A-(Stable)Publication date: August 28, 2024

Bond Information

(As of December 13, 2024)

(※ This table scroll horizontally)

CompanyBond NameDate of IssueMaturityTotal amount of issue (millions of yen)Outstanding balance (million of yen)Interest rate (%)
Daio Paper CorporationUnsecured Straight Bond No. 21(Green Bond)October 25, 2018October 24, 202515,00015,0000.605
Unsecured Straight Bond No. 22
(Green Bond)
October 25, 2018October 25, 20285,0005,0000.864
Unsecured Straight Bond No. 23October 28, 2021October 28, 202615,00015,0000.190

Green Bond

Daio Paper announces that it issued green bonds (Bond No. 21, Bond No.22) on October 25, 2018. The issuance of these green bonds is the first such issuance in the domestic papermaking and daily necessities industries.

The expenses required for the acquisition of external review for this green bond issuance is eligible for subsidies under Japanese Ministry of the Environment’s FY2018 Financial Support Programme for Green Bond Issuance.

What is Green Bond?

Green bonds are bonds that align to the Green Bond Principles set by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), and refer to bonds that companies, municipalities and other organizations issue to procure funds exclusively for projects aimed at solving environmental problems (“Green Projects”).

Outline of this issuance

Term7 years and 10 years
Amount of Issuance¥20.0 billion (¥15.0 billion for 7-year, ¥5.0 billion for 10-year)
Date of IssuanceOctober 25, 2018
Use of Proceeds (Green Projects)Facility for the effective use of hard-to-recycle recovered paper, and biomass power plant (boiler)
Lead ManagersMitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd., Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd.
Green Bond Structuring Agent ※2Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
External Review of Eligibility (Second Party Opinion)DNV GL Business Assurance Japan K.K.

※2 Those who provide support for the issuance of green bonds, such as providing advices for establishing green bond framework and the acquisition of second party opinion.

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