Integrated Corporate culture providing safety and motivation to work
At the Daio Group, we are striving to establish a corporate culture providing safety and motivation to work, in order to foster human resources who can take on challenges toward increasing corporate value on a sustainable basis under our founding spirit “Passion with sincerity leads to greatness.” By creating opportunities for human resources with diverse backgrounds to maximize their abilities and grow, we will bring about organizational growth, value creation, and innovation. We will also respect human rights, promote the health of our employees and their families, and realize a workplace free from labor accidents, thereby creating a working environment that is considerate of and safe for our employees.
6. Respect for human rights, development of human resources, and compassion for employees
We will work to build human rights due diligence processes, fully educate and train all those concerned on respecting human rights, and take other steps in cooperation with our business partners as we pursue our business in the global arena.
Daio Paper is engaged in activities to maximize the potential of its greatest assets: employees with diverse capabilities and values.
▶ Health and Productivity Management
Daio Paper believes that ensuring the good health of its employees and their families forms the foundation for its initiatives to contribute to the development of society, culture and industry, and to become a corporate group trusted by society.
Daio Paper supports the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in their four categories, Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-Corruption, and works to solve social issues through its business activities.
The Daio Group unites as one to work toward the protection of the safety and health, both physical and mental, of its employees and the creation of a comfortable work environment.
7. Fair and highly transparent management
Enhancement of corporate governance is one of Daio Paper’s top management priorities, and we strive to continuously improve our corporate value.
The Daio Group sets compliance in its business activities group-wide as its top priority, and is working on promoting greater employee awareness.